Minutes of our 2009 A.G.M or a copy of our up-dated constitution are available by emailing Tom.

NSABO Fall Meeting 2008

ELSS Drama Room, Monday Sept 15, 2008, 8:30PM

1/ Call to order

2/ Read minutes of A.G.M.

3/ Discussion arising from minutes.

4/ Financial report Tom

5/ 2008/2009 Fee’s and deadline Tom

6/ 2008/2009 Exams and deadline Ted

7/ Officials list for high school A and B, and other leagues - Ted / Jo Anne

8/ High-school assignor’s update - Jasper

8/ Update on 2008/2009 rules Jo Anne

9/ Officials appearance - Ted


12/ Whistle via email

12/ Other / New Business

13/ Next Meeting

OABO is willing to send the whistle electronically to all who wish to do so. Please make sure Tom get’s your up to date address, phone number and email address when you send your dues. Also be sure to indicate if you wish to save paper and go electronic with the whistle.



1. There is a protocol laid out in the O.A.B.O constitution reguarding the apprearance of basketball floor officials, however there are some N.S.A.B.O. officials who ignore this protocol and is thas been brought to my attention by various coaches during the 2006 - 2007 and 2007 - 2008 seasons, i.e., uniforms, hair and unfit persons which in many cases are most conspicuous.



2. Jo Anne Matheson, our N.S.A.B.O. clinician / evaluator, has put in tons of work over the years to establish a respectful overall semblance of proper officiating mechanics as she helps novice and junior officials, young and adults, to develope and improve their respective skills. In fact we acare about maintaining a respected N.S.A.B.O., I feel that we should rely upon Jo Ann's expertise of evaluating these officials and informing our association as to what officials are and are not ready to officiate various levels of the game.


Yours in basketball,

Tom O’Grady

Secretary / Treasurer



N.S.A.B.O Fall Meeting Tuesday, Sept 11,  2007 – Treasurers Report





N.S.A.B.O BANK BALANCE  (Sept 4, 2007)                                                                   $ 1175.00


Outstanding Bills                                                



                Refreshments, Fall Meeting                                                                                 $  TBA  

                O.A.B.O. – A.G.M Financial Aid for NSABO Members?                                             $?           




“Functional Bank Account Balance”                                                                                                $ 1175.00


O.A.B.O. Bank account balance for N.S.A.B.O.                                                                       $ 0.00



N.S.A.B.O. Bank Account Balance - Sept 26, 2006                                                                       $ 165.45

                                                                 - Sept 5, 2007                                                                         $ 1175.00




Recent Transactions                - Sponsorship of full page OABO – A.G.M Program                    $ - 100.00

                                                - NSABO AGM Refreshments                                                        $ - 31.32



No membership dues for 2007 – 2008 have been deposited yet.  Once the outstanding bills are taken care of, I feel that to be the end of the NSABO Fiscal Year.  In the future, this will give us a good framework to examine the financial realities of our organization.


It really is important that I receive the payment of membership dues on time.  It is a great deal of work registering with O.A.B.O. and complete membership information and dues, by the NSABO deadline, would be very helpful. 




Respectfully Submitted,

Tom O’Grady


For an up-to-date list of Official who have been assigned high school games, NSSSA A and B, up to the end of the Boys Season (Feb 07), email Tom, and he will have one sent to you!

It's never too early to write up your proposal for constitutional and by-law changes to be voted on.  Get these in writing (or email) to Tom.


Jo Anne Matheson

Hair-Control Devices and Headbands Clarified (11/16/06)


There have been numerous questions recently relating to the legality of certain hair-control devices. Players may wear rubber bands, scrunchies, pre wrap and narrow, multi-colored elastic bands to hold their hair back (3-5-3d). These items are not considered headbands (3-5-3a) and therefore do not fall under the new headband rule. These items do not have to be the same color as the uniform or white, they can be of any color, they do not have to be a single color and they are not subject to the logo restrictions in 3-6.


Further, a ribbon worn in addition to a hair-control device is considered to be a head decoration, and is prohibited (3-5-3e). If a ribbon is being worn as a hair-control device, it would be permitted provided it is not judged to be dangerous or inappropriate by the referee (3-5-1).



Tuesday, March 31, 2009


ELSS Drama Room


Present:  Louis Ucci, Rodney Rouillard, Jasper Naus, Ted Hyndman, Tom O’Grady,

Jo Anne Matheson


1/ Welcome and introductions occurred.


2/ Minutes to the last AGM and to our fall meeting were looked at.  These were approved, moved by Jasper seconded by Rodney.


3/ Discussion arising from the minutes:

-         for some school boards, and some schools, assigning of qualified members of NSABO is still an issue, some schools insist they can’t afford 2 officials, or even regular officials

-         we are confused as to how this may happen in the Sault

-         TED and RODNEY are going to create a Recommendation for the elementary schools in our association including:  why it’s important to have proper officiating, what the fee structure is, how we see our service of providing safe and fair developmental play in the elementary games.

-         The job descriptions for some of the executive positions, and the up-dating of our by-laws are still a work in progress

-     The loss of the NBA league in Elliot Lake is hard on our development program in that region, hopefully it will be re-instated by the City



4/ Tom presented the Treasurers report.  It was approved.  If anyone would like a copy of that please email Tom.

-         Ted will only order 10 sets of rule books for next year, we took a loss this year


5/ Fee’s and deadlines will remain the same for next year

-         October 15, 2009 will be the deadline for fee’s received, and for exams received; no official will be assigned until both of  these are submitted

-         At the fall NSABO meeting the exact price and details will be discussed


6/ Jaspers report (Assignor NSSSA A and B Leagues) – he had a good year.  We had to scramble at times, but all regions worked together and did well.  Thanks to those officials who traveled to help other areas.


7/ Teds report (Assignor Elementary Schools and Recreational Leagues) – again he discussed the issue with one school in the separate board that is being very difficult to deal with.  The gym at Vanier school is very dangerous, slippery, we made note.


8/ Jo Anne’s report (Local Evaluator, Local Board Interpreter) she gave her report to all officials and department heads in September.  She enjoyed the opportunity to evaluate several of our Association in Espanola at AA Girls Basketball.  Last year we had a successful clinic for new officials, and it helped to produce some great officials for NSABO.  If you were evaluated at this tournament and did not get a chance to receive formal feedback, please email Jo Anne or call her.


9/ Rodney Rouillard may represent our Association at the OABO President’s Meeting on May 2 in Toronto.  No one else in our Executive was able to attend.  Hopefully he will be able to attend.  If anyone else in the membership would like to attend this meeting in the future, please contact Tom.  If Rodney is able to go, it was moved by Jo Anne, and 2nd by Jasper, and then carried, that after OABO pays mileage and a hotel room, NSABO will cover meals and a second hotel room night if applicable.


10/  Something has gone wrong at the OABO level, and our members have not been receiving the whistle via email.  GO TO THE OABO site, and you can read the whistle on line.  Tom will try to solve this issue for next year.


11/ Unfortunately Jo Anne Matheson has had to resign her positions on the Executive.  Luckily she will still serve as a consultant in these roles, and she will still be an active official in NSABO.  Her expertise, teaching, dedication, and many contributions to NSABO will be greatly missed.  Hopefully she will be able to return to the Executive another time.


We welcome Rodney Rouillard as our new Local Board Interpreter, and we know that he will do an awesome job, thanks Rodney.


We welcome Ted Hyndman as our new Local Evaluator.  This is a position that Ted has held before, and has a wealth of experience in.  We are certain that he will do a great job, thanks Ted.




-         Jo Anne voiced her concern over the assignments at NSSSA, A, Midget Boys basketball.  ELSS staff members, Tom and Jasper, officiated their own team.  Our membership agreed with Jo Anne’s point, that this assignment should not occur. 

-         The NSABO website is linked from OABO now, so that is another way to access information!


NEXT MEETING- Will be early to mid September, 2009.


Meeting was adjourned, 8:45PM, moved by Louis, seconded by Rodney.





In order to bring about an amendment to this Constitution, a motion must be made, seconded, and passed by a majority of two thirds of the members in good standing at the AGM.  Notice of such a motion must be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer three weeks prior to the meeting.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall forward any motions to the members by mail at least one week prior to the AGM.


Article 8.2  By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting or AGM.  Such change shall require a simple majority (51%) of the members in good standing.


N.S.A.B.O Fall Meeting September 15, 2008, Room 111, E.L.S.S


Present:  Ben Shipton, Kyle Senra, Ted Hyndman, Jo Anne Matheson, Jasper Naus, Rodney Rouillard, Louis Ucci, Marcel Recollet, Harold Fox, Tom O’Grady


1/            8:40PM, Louis called the meeting to order. 


2/         The minutes of the A.G.M were read.


3/            Discussion from the minutes:    A large thank you goes out to Jo Anne for her research of what other basketball associations charge for officiating elementary games in Ontario.  She researched 8 associations in the Province, and 7 of them were consistent with our rates.  The Sault Association was the only one that appeared to be using a lower fee structure.

-         we are still striving to increase the accuracy of our job descriptions as per the NSABO constitution

-         Jo Anne was kind enough to run a very successful clinic in Espanola, we hope that those officials present will continue to develop their skills


4/         Tom presented the financial report.  For an email copy of this report please contact Tom at   If we are unable to send a representative to the OABO A.G.M, we will have some money in the bank this year.  Tom thought that purchasing whistles etc for the officials might be a nice idea with NSABO on them, Jo Anne thought that sponsoring young officials for camp – after OABO grants had been applied for – might be an interesting avenue to explore.


5/            N.S.A.B.O and O.A.B.O Due’s must be paid by October 15, 2008.


                        N.S.A.B.O Dues – officiating member, not officiating in high school or not presently officiating = $ 25.00

                        O.A.B.O Affiliate Dues – first year in high school officiating = $ 21.00 plus the NSABO dues, for a total of $ 46.00

                        O.A.B.O. FULL dues, officiating in the high school level for the second or more seasons, $ 64.00, plus the NSABO dues, for a total of $ 89.00.


Tom O’Grady, 165 Hillside Dr. S, Elliot Lake ON, P5A 1N2, , tomnsabo.tripod.com


Prior to the October 15 date for exams and dues, anyone who was a member of  NSABO/OABO last year will be considered for assignment.



Cheques payable to N.S.A.B.O.  or cash.  If Tom O’Grady has not received your dues prior to October 15, 2008, you will not be in good standing with NSABO, and the Assignors will be told to NOT ASSIGN YOU GAMES.


6/            EXAMINATIONS:  Are due to Ted Hyndman on October 15, 2008.  If you do not have a copy of the Fall Exam, please contact Ted at 848-5670, or ,  and since Ted is new to email, I am sure he would love a lot of emails with questions…jokes…forwarded junk emails…chain letters…etc


7/            WORKSHOP FOR FALL WRITTEN EXAMINATION -  Jo Anne is willing to volunteer her time to lead an open book workshop to complete the fall examination.  She will only do this workshop if there is enough people.  PLEASE RSVP Jo Anne if you would like to attend this Elliot Lake workshop, at the high school, 7:00PM, Tuesday Sept 23,08.  848-4421 or , and she has ensured us that the 55 has nothing to do with her age.  If there is not enough interest, this workshop will not happen, so please communicate.


8/         Jo Anne and Ted are working on a list of officials that are ready to officiate at the high school B and high school A level.  Jasper is working on getting me the list shortly, and it will be published via email throughout our membership.


9/         Jo Anne presented an excellent summation of the rule changed (see the Whistle or the OABO site).


10/       We will have to send our regrets to the AGM of OABO.


11/       If any of you would like to have your copy of the Whistle sent to you electronically instead of in the mail, please indicate that when you send me your dues, and I will make the changes to save some paper.


12/       An issue of officials in Blind River was discussed.  We are very excited to have N.S.A.B.O officials in Blind River once again.  Please see item #5 and #6 from these minutes.


13/       The topic of proper attire for a basketball official was addressed. Here is a reminder for all officials:


-         black shoes

-         black socks

-         black pants (preferably officiating pants)[NOTE:  Mine keep shrinking]

-         a recent (within 4 years) basketball officiating jersey

-         pre game (coat, black OABO)

-         whistle, tied to shirt with proper lanyard


The major goal, after wearing a proper uniform, is to have proper mechanics, decorum, signals, and communication.


Some discussion was heard about officials within our jurisdiction who have not been striving to uphold their position as a professional service provider of basketball officiating; in particular of not dawning garments that are concurrent with the rest of the Province.


14/       A date for the next NSABO meeting was discussed, as per our Constitution, as between March 1st and April 15th of our Calendar Year.


If you have other information you require, please visit


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and try to add this directly to the top of your page.




Yours in basketball,


Tom O’Grady

Secretary and Treasurer



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