Sept, 2011
The name of this organization shall be the NORTH SHORE ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL OFFICIALS, hereafter referred to as NSABO.
2.1 The NSABO shall be a local member of the Ontario Association of Basketball Officials (OABO) Board #16. NSABO members are eligible to be members of the International Association of Basketball Officials (IAABO). Through the OABO, the NSABO shall be affiliated with members of the Canadian Association of Basketball Officials (CABO).
2.2 The district encompassed by this association shall be the same as the North Shore Secondary Schools Association boundaries (not including West of Blind River). This area includes Manitoulin Island, Espanola, Elliot Lake, Blind River and areas in between.
2.3 High schools within our district are as follows:
Wikwemikong Abinwasse High School and Manitoulin Secondary School of Manitoulin Island, Espanola High School and Franco‑Ouest of Espanola, Elliot Lake Secondary School and Villa Francaise des Jeunes of Elliot Lake, W.C. Eaket Secondary School and Ecole Secondaire Jeunesse‑Nord of Blind River and all elementary schools in the region.
The purpose of this board shall be:
3.0 To provide working conditions for all floor and table officials, N.S.A.B.O members and volunteers, individuals for whom the board serves, free from discrimination.
3.1 To organize the basketball officials of the NORTH SHORE.
3.2 To promote better basketball through better officiating.
3.3 To consider helping, either financially or with a donation of services (or both), worthwhile causes in our community.
3.4 To disseminate knowledge of the Official Rules of Basketball in order to bring about a standard interpretation of the rules throughout the area.
3.5 To collaborate with other OABO, CABO and/or other local, provincial, national and international associations or organizations in achieving their ends.
The membership of this Board shall fall into four categories: "active", "associate", “non‑officiating” and "honorary life" members. All members shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the N.S.A.B.O Constitution and By-Laws, and the O.A.B.O. Constitution and By-Laws.
4.0 N.S.A.B.O welcomes all interested persons who wish to join our association.
4.1 Those eligible for active membership shall be all those who:
4.1.1 Have completed and submitted Part 1 of the NFHS (or IAABO if applicable) written examination(s) under "open book" conditions by the deadline (as set by the Local Evaluator) each year.
4.1.2 Have completed and submitted Part 2 of the NFHS (or IAABO if applicable) written examination(s) under "open book" conditions by the deadline (as set by the Local Evaluator) each year.
4.1.3 Under the guidance of the Local Evaluator(s) and Senior Officials in their respective geographic areas, have achieved a level of floor officiating to meet the level of basketball that they are being assigned to officiate. This may include formal floor evaluations when possible.
4.1.4 Have paid an annual membership fee as set by NSABO / OABO. The membership dues are not refundable and must be paid in full by October 15. The payment must be received by the NSABO secretary.
4.2 A non‑officiating member is a member who has paid their annual NSABO dues but chooses to not officiate.
4.3 Honorary life members shall be a person or persons nominated at the annual general meeting of the Board and approved for membership to the board in this status if approved by a majority of the membership
4.3.1 An honorary life membership can be bestowed upon a past or current member of the Board (either "active", "associate" or "non‑officiating") who has made significant contributions to the board over their careers as officials.
4.3.2 Honourary life members of the NSABO will not be required to pay membership fees.
4.4 The Board shall reserve the right to award an Honorary Membership to any person who has made an outstanding contribution to basketball officiating. Honorary members may be asked to act in any capacity ex‑officio.
The Executive Officers shall consist of:
Local Evaluator(s)
Local Board Interpreter
Assignor Elementary Schools and Recreational Leagues
Assignor N.S.S.S.A. “A” and “B” Leagues
Referee in Chief
The duties of the Executive of this Board shall be as follows:
6.1 The President shall:
6.1.1 Call all general and executive meetings, arrange the agenda, and preside over those meetings.
6.1.2 Be the official spokesperson for the Board in matters dealing with general interests of the Board.
6.1.3 Have the power to cast the deciding vote on any matter when there is a tie vote.
6.1.4 Be responsible for all press releases on behalf of the Board.
6.1.5 Process any written complaints.
6.1.6 Be an active, associate, honorary or non‑officiating member of the Board.
6.1.7 Ensure that the board is in full compliance with the provisions set out in the OABO Constitution and any policies that may be established by the OABO.
6.2 The Vice‑President shall:
6.2.1 Assume the position of President in his or her absence.
6.3 The Secretary‑Treasurer shall:
6.3.1 With the President, be in charge of publicity for all meetings to each member of the Board and send written notification (email, website, or phone for members who are not email users) at least ten days prior to meetings.
6.3.2 Be in charge of membership generally, including the collecting of fees, the recording of names of all members, distribution of books and bulletins, etc.
6.3.3 Shall take minutes at all meetings, and ensure that the minutes are distributed via (email or post) within two weeks of the meeting date, and upon request thereafter.
6.3.4 Shall ensure that the notices of meetings, clinics and examinations are distributed to all members two weeks prior to the date of such meetings or clinic. Distribution of notices for clinics and examinations shall be coordinated with the appropriate executive officers.
6.3.5 Record the proceedings and attendance of all meetings, and keep the permanent record of the minutes, which annually will be handed over to the successor, and maintain the N.S.A.B.O website.
6.3.6 Be in charge of all correspondence for the Board.
6.3.7 Maintain complete and accurate records of all Board finances.
6.3.8 Have a financial statement prepared for each N.S.A.B.O meeting.
6.4 The Local Evaluator shall:
6.4.1 Arrange for the writing of NFHS examinations
6.4.2 Co‑ordinate floor tests
6.4.3 Arrange clinics for rule interpretations, floor mechanics and general game management
6.4.4 Observe and provide a written evaluation for all active members
6.4.5 Administer IAABO and the FIBA exams
6.4.6 Be responsible for determining the appropriate level of officiating for each NSABO member. Through a process of floor observations and written or verbal evaluations, the Local Evaluator will inform the Assignor and the official of the level of games that they will be assigned. Written and/or verbal evaluations will be provided when possible. The Executive will serve as the appeal body if an official wishes to challenge the decision of the Local Evaluator
7.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in September each year.
8.1 In order to bring about an amendment to this Constitution, a motion must be made, seconded, and passed by a majority of two-thirds of the members in good standing at the AGM. A minimum of two-thirds of the N.S.A.B.O Executive must be present at the AGM for voting to proceed. Notice of such a motion must be made in writing to the Secretary‑Treasurer three weeks prior to the meeting. The Secretary‑Treasurer shall forward any motions to the members by mail at least two weeks prior to the AGM.
8.2 By‑laws may be amended at any regular meeting or AGM. Such changes shall require a simple majority (51%) of the members in good standing.
8.3 The constitution and by‑laws shall be posted on the N.S.A.B.O. website and given to members who do not have access to the internet (also available upon request).
BY‑LAWS (Revised 2004) [updates 2008]
1.0 Interpretation of the Constitution:
Decisions will be rendered by vote of the members of the Executive.
2.0 Suspensions:
Any member who contravenes the requirements of the Constitution will be liable to suspension, at the discretion of the Executive.
3.0 Triple Headers:
The number of officials to be assigned will be left to the discretion of the Assignor, who may consult with the coaches concerned, except during play‑offs. In this case, one official shall not officiate all three games.
4.0 Reports on Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Reports of unsportsmanlike conduct amongst players, coaches, officials and team followers should be directed to the Technical Director who in turn will direct an appropriate report to the NSSSA convener and the appropriate school personnel (principal).
5.0 Official's Dress:
All members must conform to the uniform dress for referees as required by OABO by‑ laws: dark trousers, black shoes, grey with black trim shirt or sweater, with the appropriate district crest on the right arm, two inches from the shoulder seam. CABO crests shall be worn on the left arm, two inches from the shoulder seam. IAABO official shirts may be worn when both Officials are members, but they must be dressed the same. To ensure uniformity, all IAABO officials shall be prepared to wear grey with black trim uniforms. It shall be understood that for NSABO games, grey with black trim uniforms must be worn unless uniformity is required for IAABO Officials. Only Officials who hold the CURRENT qualifications for such crests may wear crests.
5.1 Members shall wear, as a warm‑up jacket, a black basketball jacket.
6.0 Official's Duties:
6.1 Members shall only accept assignments from the local assignor.
6.2 The referee and umpire will be designated by the Assignor, and as much as possible, these major officials shall conduct the games in accordance with the appropriate rule set. All members of the Board shall adhere to the floor procedure as recommended provincially and by the Technical Director as instructed at the clinics.
6.3 If any member cannot attend his/her assigned game(s), he/she must inform the Assignor so that accurate records can be kept for 6.1.11.
6.4 In order to officiate games outside of Board 16, NSSABO, said member must be invited by the out of region assignor and secure permission from the local assignor.
6.5 Members shall make every reasonable effort to attend clinics and officiating camps.
6.6 All members are to complete Parts I and II of the NFSHS Officials’ Examinations within the time frame as outlined by the Technical Director.
7.0 NSABO Officiating Fees (per official per game):
League Fees:
7.1 NSSSA $40
7.2 NSSSA playoffs and NOSSA $45
7.3 High School Tournaments $40
7.4 Elementary School: Sr. Officials $20, Jr. Officials $15
7.5 Elliot Lake NBA:
Jr. and Sr. League $ 7,
High School League: Jr. Official $10, Sr. 45
7.4.1 The association may examine and adjust game fees and travel rates annually. The rate for 2011 is 45 cents per kilometer return.
7.4.2 For NSSSA games all officials’ fees shall be paid by the host school at the end of the day’s scheduled game(s).
7.5 When officials are assigned to a game(s), and upon arrival at the game it is discovered that the game(s) has been cancelled or rescheduled to an earlier start time, the officials will be paid the full game(s) fee plus all travel expenses where applicable.
7.6 Where traveling involves overnight accommodation, the team arranging Officials shall pay for single room costs and meals.
7.7 An adequate, separate dressing room shall be provided for Officials. Separate dressing rooms shall be provided if one official is female.
7.8 NSABO commitments will be covered prior to NSABO officials accepting sanctioned game assignments outside of our district.
7.9 Regarding withdrawal of services: Officiating services may be withdrawn from a league, a team, or a coach of a team, or a player on a team, should conditions warrant. Initial action will be taken by the Executive. The terms of the withdrawal of services will vary with each situation.
8.0 Ancillary Fees:
8.1 The assignor shall keep a record of costs for mailing, telephone, fax and other related expenses. This account will be forwarded to the NSABO treasurer who will bill NSSSA at the end of the season.
9.0 Meal Allowance:
Officials shall be provided, or reimbursed for meals (out of town games only) upon presentation of receipts to the host convenor at the maximum rate of:
Breakfast $5
Lunch $10
Dinner $15
10.0 Assignor Guidelines:
When assigning games, the following officiating assignments should be avoided if possible:
10.1 Coaches from the participating schools.
10.2 Staff from the participating schools.
10.3 Players from participating schools.
10.4 Students from participating schools.
10.5 Relatives of players for teams participating.
10.6 Officials from other boards.
Appendix I
North Shore Mileage Chart
(as supplied by A. J. Bus Line)
From |
To |
Mileage (km) |
Cost @$.45/km | ||
1-way |
2-way |
1-way |
2-way | ||
Elliot Lake |
152 |
304 |
$53.20 |
$106.40 |
EHS / FQ |
102 |
204 |
35.70 |
71.40 | |
195 |
390 |
68.25 |
136.5 | |
206 |
412 |
72.10 |
144.20 | |
WCE / JN |
64 |
128 |
22.40 |
44.80 | |
Blind River |
91 |
182 |
31.85 |
63.70 |
EHS / FQ |
102 |
204 |
35.70 |
71.40 | |
64 |
128 |
22.40 |
44.80 | |
195 |
390 |
68.25 |
136.5 | |
206 |
412 |
72.10 |
144.20 | |
Espanola |
193 |
386 |
67.55 |
135.10 |
102 |
204 |
35.70 |
71.40 | |
93 |
186 |
32.55 |
65.10 | |
104 |
208 |
52.00 |
104.00 | |
WCE / JN |
102 |
204 |
35.70 |
71.40 | |
286 |
564 |
100.10 |
200.20 |
EHS / FQ |
93 |
186 |
32.55 |
65.10 | |
195 |
390 |
68.25 |
136.5 | |
64 |
128 |
22.40 |
44.80 | |
WCE / JN |
195 |
390 |
68.25 |
136.5 | |
Desbarats |
EHS / FQ |
193 |
386 |
67.55 |
135.10 |
152 |
304 |
53.20 |
106.40 | |
286 |
564 |
100.10 |
200.20 | |
WCE / JN |
91 |
182 |
31.85 |
63.70 | |
297 |
594 |
103.95 |
207.90 | |
297 |
594 |
103.95 |
207.90 |
EHS / FQ |
104 |
208 |
52.00 |
104.00 | |
206 |
412 |
72.10 |
144.20 | |
64 |
128 |
22.40 |
44.80 | |
WCE / JN |
206 |
412 |
72.10 |
144.20 |
8.1 In order to bring about an amendment to this Constitution, a motion must be made, seconded, and passed by a majority of two thirds of the members in good standing at the AGM. A minimum of two thirds of the N.S.A.B.O Executive must be present at the AGM for voting to proceed. Notice of such a motion must be made in writing to the Secretary‑Treasurer three weeks prior to the meeting. The Secretary‑Treasurer shall forward any motions to the members by mail at least two weeks prior to the AGM.
8.2 By‑laws may be amended at any regular meeting or AGM. Such change shall require a simple majority (51%) of the members in good standing.